May 2024 Organizing Checklist by Maria Gracia My NEW May 2024 Organizing Checklist provides an organizing TO DO for every day of the month... __ May 1 Iron clothing that you haven't been choosing because it's too wrinkled to wear. Otherwise, donate those items if you are unlikely to ever iron them. __ May 2 Help your kids/grandkids weed out their school backpacks. This is good preparation for the end of the current school year. __ May 3 Replace rubber bath and/or shower mats that have seen better days. __ May 4 Clean your kitchen floor thoroughly. __ May 5 Launder dust rags that you have used multiple times. __ May 6 Recycle old business cards you've collected but you no longer need. __ May 7 Dust framed photos. Clean the glass with a microfiber cloth if they have smudges or fingerprints. __ May 8 Vacuum any stairs in your home. Clean the handrails as well. __ May 9 Clean the stovetop to remove crumbs, grease, etc. __ May 10 Dust off an appliance. If it's really dusty, you're probably not using it much. Consider donating it. On the other hand, if you want to keep it because you do use it now and then, think about putting it away in a cabinet where it's not likely to attract as much dust. Want a clutter-free home once and for all? Check out my Goodbye Clutter resource! Visit: __ May 11 Take your pet to the vet or the groomer if he or she is due for a visit. __ May 12 Happy Mother’s Day! Bring a bouquet of flowers to a special mom in your your mom, a grandmother, or even someone who is like a mom to you. __ May 13 Empty a kitchen cabinet. Wipe it clean. Weed out any items if applicable and return the keepers back to the cabinet. __ May 14 Sort through 3 file folders. Recycle any papers that are no longer necessary, being sure to shred any sensitive information first. __ May 15 Mop hardwood or vinyl floors in one room. __ May 16 Organize a section of your guest room...a drawer, closet, corner, etc. __ May 17 Inspect your dining room or kitchen table centerpiece. Does it still look presentable? If not, consider replacing it with something new. __ May 18 Fluff any throw pillows on your sofa. Do some need to be replaced or covered with new pillow covers? __ May 19 Organize your spices alphabetically. Get rid of any that are no longer fragrant or that you never use. __ May 20 Refill your salt and pepper shaker. Do you want more time in your day to get things done AND to find the time to do what you love? Check out my 501 Tips and Ideas for Finding More Time resource! Visit: __ May 21 Wipe down your shower rod and your shower curtain rings. __ May 22 Clean your oven. Be sure to open the windows for ventilation while doing so. __ May 23 Remove and clean the tray of your toaster oven. __ May 24 Replace old kitchen shears that are no longer sharp. To me, this item is one of the most important tools in the kitchen! __ May 25 Volunteer for a cause that makes your heart happy. You can choose to give an hour of your time or a lot more if you so choose. __ May 26 Get your grill ready for grilling season. Be sure it's clean and the propane tank is full if applicable. __ May 27 Memorial Day. Memorial Day honors the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country. Attend a Memorial Day service…and don’t forget to thank those who are serving now. __ May 28 Drive your car to the car wash for a good cleaning. Vacuum out the interior too. __ May 29 Start getting ready for beach season. Do you need a new bathing suit? __ May 30 Organize the towels in your linen closet. __ May 31 Get your email under control. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Delete as many email messages as you can. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Maria Gracia - Get Organized Now! FREE Goodies and E-zine filled with tips, ideas, articles and more to help you organize your home, your office and your life at the Get Organized Now! Web site! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS ARE FREE TO REPRINT THIS ARTICLE IN ITS ENTIRETY AS LONG AS THE BYLINE REMAINS INTACT.